Snap-on Master of the Pit Campaign

Are you ready to dive into the pit? Snap-on made a bold, but incredibly necessary decision to do just that by creating a summer promo known as Master of the Pit. A truly immersive experience, Master of the Pit allows the Franchisee to delve into character as the ultimate pitmaster on his Snap-on van. But wait a minute, what gives you the power to be the ultimate meathead? The ability to give away a Traeger Pro Series 22 Pellet Grill, that’s what — and Tim Montana (master of music, meats & the pit) is here to show you how it’s done. So let’s rip open that marketing kit and get to doing up your whole van with BBQ scented air fresheners, oversized danglers, wood framed posters – all the while serving up tools wrapped up in brown paper, secured with butcher tape and laid in red food baskets. Don’t forget to hand out those wet wipes as your customers walk out with their BBQ menu brochure, all the while licking their fingers.

Role: Art Director + Designer

paper mockup.jpg
Van Sign Mockup.jpg
Danglers Mockup.jpg
Danglers Mockup 3.jpg